Shareholding structure

  • MAIIC has an authorized share capital of K750 billion (US$1 billion) divided into 7,500,000,000 ordinary shares of K100 each to be mobilized from both local and international investors. According to the Memorandum and Articles of Association of MAIIC, the classes have been limited as follows:
    Share class Number of directors Limits
    A Public limited companies, private limited companies, financial institutions and funds incorporated or registered in Malawi Minimum of 41%
    B Government of Malawi or its agencies Maximum of 20%
    C International financial institutions, corporations and investors registered outside Malawi Maximum of 39%
    D Private individuals Maximum of 10%
    E (With no voting rights) Any investors as recommended by the Board of Directors to members in a General Meeting Per Board resolution

An enabler of development

MAIIC has a specific development focus. It is mandated to support commercially viable investments in the public and private sectors of the economy to consolidate and promote growth.